Monday, August 22, 2016

A Wonderful, Thrilling, Exciting Thing

I have a bookshelf.

While I understand that to some it may be a bit anticlimactic to read the sentence above after being lured here by the title of this post, I assure you that to me it is not. Bibliophilic mess of a person that I am, I have needed this bookshelf for years. I trip way too much without having books on the floor to trip over.

All that to say, one long, happy day at IKEA (and a side trip to the Museum of Biblical Art, worth checking out, by the way) and a few days in between then and now, and I have half-settled (yep, there's still more to do) my loads of books onto the hopefully sturdy shelves. Hallelujah!

Yes, I have a Venus de Milo statuette. My brother hates it.

Yes, I have a large rock with writing on it. It's a special rock, okay?

Yes, I have half-a-shelf of Tolkien. I may have an obsession, but hasn't that already been confirmed?

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