Friday, August 5, 2016

Pieces of Today, Aug. 5th, 2016

#1. Headache.

#2. James Blunt. (I-I-I, I never meant to hurt you-ooh...)

#3. Binge-watching GMM.

#4. Spaghetti sauce.

#5. Paint on my legs and my hands.

#6. (Out of water/out of hope/can't make fire/only smoke.) 

#7. Short story prompts.

#8. I washed my hair and it's really soft and this is making me super happy.

#9. (The flames, they licked the walls/tenderly they turn to dust/all that I adored.) 

#10. Those amazing costumes from The Man From U.N.C.L.E. 

1 comment:

  1. "I guess it's not a good exu-uuuse whoahwoahwoah...And she will always hate me...." Ahh, James Blunt...Probably my favorite one-man-show artist.
