Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pieces Of Today, Nov. 19 2015

1. Hide your wives, hide your kids. The annual ladybug invasion has begun.

2. That perfect feeling of tingling in my hand when I mute my guitar.

3. Droplets of dew and the taste of sunshine running along my tongue.

4. These itchy but beautiful things:

5. Straggled fencelines and lumbering cows. 

6. Violin music and a deep voice mispronouncing Stalingrad.  

7. The bleep, bleep, bleep of the tree-cutters truck down the road. 

8. I'm forever keeping my angel close. (What are words if you really don't mean them when you say them?) 

9. That glorious pain that shoots up my legs when I jump and land wrong. 

10. I look to the sea...reflections in the waves spark my memory. Some happy, some sad...I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had. 

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