Thursday, November 26, 2015

Pieces Of Today, Nov. 26 2015

1. The scent of turkey rising as we FaceTime relatives.

2. Grapefruit shampoo and warm water.

3. Matryoshkas with their painted faces and mini-mes.

4. Happy tidings sent by chat.

5. The comforting voices of men in the other room.

6. Misty air and the sounds of the city.

7. We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams...

8. The subtle scent of egg dye and wax mixed with the joy of the holiday and creating in me a giddy excitement...(why don't we have Thanksgiving every day? For thanks need not be contained to such an often-forgotten celebration.)

9. (And I carry in my chest a pound of flesh...)

10. Old comics and classic jokes and laughter as we lecture each other on multitudes of things. (Forget not the lectures, children, for the wisdom of family dinners is not meant to belong to family only.)

God be with you all this Thanksgiving day.

Grace and peace,


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